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July 2008

Walkin' Around the Choc(taw)


The old ball and chain and I recently checked out a few more sites around Choctaw Drive, an area with no shortage of abandoned buildings. You might even say it's chock full of them. Wocka Wocka! The train above is next to the apparently abandoned LA Office Supply Warehouse.

Next up is Patton's Plaza, a former carpeting and flooring store/ childcare facility. (You know: one of those!)



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Half-here today, gone tomorrow: The Turkish Baths

Rumors of the Turkish Baths' imminent demise have not been exaggerated.


The fiance and I happened upon it in this condition yesterday, a year almost to the day from the first time it caught my eye. See the first post about the place here.


This building was the first spark to the interest that became Abandoned Baton Rouge. I was sad to see the old place go, but I'm glad I caught it halfway. And at least now I could look inside...what was left of the inside.

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ABR on the radio

I was on Baton Rouge's NPR affiliate WRKF yesterday morning discussing Abandoned Baton Rouge. Jim Engster interviewed me on his radio program, and you can hear it online here. My segment is toward the final third of the show.

If you're a new reader who found this blog after hearing the show, welcome! I'd like to hear your suggestions for other abandoned sites to cover. Feel free to email me (colleenrkane at gmail .com) or leave them in the comments.