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Abandoned Baton Rouge needs YOU!

I have a day job now and wander less, which greatly limits my finding new abandoned sites. So please get in touch if you've seen a great building I should explore: colleenrkane @ gmail.

Also, I'm sending all kinds of abandoned and urban decay -related goodies into the universe via my Twitter profile Yes Vacancy, and I could sure use more followers there. See you in the nerd zone.


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Joey Mabile

Hey! Right off the top of my head, let me suggest a couple of old haunts of mine from way back in the day: Fun Fair Park and the Bon Marche Mall. Not sure what ever became of the park, but they say the Mall is an office complex now. But still, if you could get inside, I would love to see what became of the place, inside and out. I mean, there was the best McDonalds' ever in that mall, and I just can't imagine it's a bunch of cubicles now. Get back with me and let me know what you think!

Colleen Kane

Thanks, Joey, I now have a list of three places to aim for, all in one area. Keep the suggestions coming, please, and I'll go on some missions this holiday weekend.

Joey Mabile

Your welcome, Colleen! So cool of you to hit me back; I love what you're doing here! I share the same fetish, only too lazy to act upon it! My favorite post was the Real Superstore piece; that really took me back. Anyways, enjoy your weekend, and keep up the good work!


Joey, sorry but Fun Fair Park is closed, has been for at least 10 years. The rides are still up, but now at Dixie Landing (next to Blue Bayou)

And yes, Bon Marche is a office complex now, but you wouldn't recognize it, promise. It's not "Bonne Carre" and Cox Communications is based there among many other things. (Colleen, it's at the corner of Wooddale and Florida - it's orange with big palm tress out front, can't miss it)

I do have a mission for you: Coke/Dr. Pepper plant on Airline east of Hammond Aire - It's no longer open (closed within the past year, sorry to those reading this who didn't know that). It would be awesome to get inside, I don't know how much of the original equipment is left, It was for sale last time I drove past, not sure of it's status now.

Joey Mabile

Thanks for the info, Lauren. What a bummer! :-)


nice blog!


I remember Fun Fair Park, at the intersection of Airline and Florida. I remember going to Hopper's Drive-In on Florida, just east of Bon Marche Mall. I worked at Woolworth's in the Bon Marche Mall. I remember Thunderbird Beach. The land at the east end of Government Street used to be an airport. How about New Generation? Third Street in the 50's and 60's was the place to go. The Paramount Theater, The Hart Theater, The Gordon Theater.

Danny Riddell

Hmm... That story from Joey made me a bit curious about that McDonald's inside that building that used to be a mall. It makes me wonder how the service was there. Anyway, I know this post is somewhat "ancient" already, but this is reeeeeeeeeally interesting. I'll be looking forward to reading more of your updates, soon!


Joey Mabile - The old Coke plant has been sold and is about to become the location of a Costco.

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