Cinclare Plantation Sugar Mill, Part 2
Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot

Abandoned Baton Rouge's 3rd Birthday Giveaway

UPDATE: Congratulations go out to our winner Amber King of Baton Rouge, Louisiana! She chose the lovely Dahlia chair as her prize, in green as a fine accent for her 1950s home. (She's a woman after my own heart.) Thanks to everyone who entered, and in doing so gave me feedback about my Etsy shop.

P.S. Buy stuff from my shoppe.

Hoorah! Little ABR is 3 years old and one of you lucky readers will get the present, thanks to the fine folks at, a site of 200+ stores that sell everything including the proverbial kitchen sink, as well as kitchen tables, appliances, and cookware. (Having just spent a significant chunk of time in CSN's stores picking prizes, I can testify that it's easy to get sucked in.)

The winner gets to choose one item from the prizes below.

1. In honor of all the lonely chairs I've spotted around Baton Rouge, I present a lovely chair for the ladies and delicate gents: The LumiSource Dahlia Chair, also available in black, lime, and white.


(Big dudes will want to avoid this chair.)

2. Next, in honor of the canine mascots who accompanied Abandoned Baton Rouge missions, Miss Wednesday Addams and Miss Lola Mae, and the many homeless dogs wandering Baton Rouge, it's Bowsers Orbit Dog Bed in Eco-Tech Polar Fleece, recommended for active dogs and older guys, too. 


Perfect for that homeless dog you were thinking about adopting, right? 

3. Choice three is this Nordic Ware Indoor/Outdoor Smoker and Cooker, for smoking meat and/or veggies:


4. Or perhaps you are afflicted with Tiger Mania and you fancy this set of LSU superfan ceiling fan blades, which I'm mainly including because I had to share that it exists:


(Abandoned Baton Rouge and Colleen Kane are not responsible for any undesirable effects caused by looking at spinning brightly colored items after tailgate festivities.)

To enter: 

  1. Visit my new Etsy shop where I am selling prints of my photos, Yes Vacancy. No purchase necessary, I'd just like you to pick your favorite photo of the ones I have up for sale (and consider what fine Christmas gifts the photos would make). If you don't see a favorite there, you can pick one from anywhere on or my Disappearing Downtowns ocassional blog. 
  2. Leave a comment on this post naming your favorite photo (if there's more than one photo of similar subject matter, be specific), and be sure to use an email address you check regularly.
  3. Optional multiple entries: If you link to this contest on your message boards, your Facebooks, your Twitters, etc., each new link counts as another entry for the giveaway. Just leave a link to  each mention as another comment on this post.
  4. Optional super bonus entries: First person to post about this contest on the TigerDroppings message boards gets five extra entries! (You'll have to post that link as a comment five times.) You can leave two comments (aka contest entries) for links to mentions in other TD threads. Do not spam the TD boards (spam them) (just kidding) (not really) (actually kidding) (or am I?)*.

I'll choose a winner two weeks from today, September 7  at noon EST using the number generator on Winner must reside in America or Canada (sorry, rest of world).

Bon chance! 

* Yes. Kidding.



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Bullet Riddled Bull! also, just want to point out the (maybe) obvious, but Doorway to the Netherworld looks like a vagina.

Joey Mabile

Gotta go with "Abandoned Cotton's Holsum Bread Factory", CoKane. My recent string of rotten luck turns ... RIGHT NOW! :-)

Charles Elliott

"Saggy Pink Houses For You and Me" reveals the everyday abandoned building in BR: the ABR that still "lives among us" like some staggering creature in an old horror film. Fine photograph beyond the local locale.

Trish Brumfield

Bricks Growing Beards is my favorite print! It looks like the glass panes are different colors. Just beautiful!

I looooove Everyone Is A-OK, being the type nerd that I am. More type images, please!


Checked out your etsy shop yesterday and reaaally liked Hank's Room... excellent shot!


linked you on the facebookz too!


Hard to choose, but Abandoned Cotton's Holsum Bread Factory is my favorite. At the moment.


My favorite - Hank's Room, of course. yeah Hank!!

Kirsten Zinser

Shovel at Abandoned Sugar Mill


Doorway to the Netherworld 8x10 Photo Print is terrific,I love the way you shot that picture! It's dreamy and secret garden lovely!
[email protected]

meeyeehere I tweeted too

I blogged your giveaway too


This is my favorite:
Abandoned Ground-Level View of Huey Long Pool

domestic diva

I like the bullet riddled bull antique sign.


My favorite is the Bricks Growing Beards 8x10 Photo
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net


The one I like the best is the Doorway to the Netherworld 8x10 Photo Print


My favorite is the one showing the front of Leo's Roller Rink. I am a child of the 70's and 80's in Baton Rouge, and the "new" Leo's was my babysitter several nights a week. Brings back so many memories.


Doorway to the Netherworld - no doubt! One of my all-time favorites of yours.



congrats on the etsy and these are fab!

i love leo's and cotton's but my fave is EVERYONE IS A. OK

much love lady and hope to see soon! need brooklyn updates asap!


I love the Doorway to the Netherworld one! Your work is fantastic.

Amber King

Feeble, eh? Yeah, I have been known to be feeble at times. That said, Holsum rules!!!

melanie bryan

shovel at the sugar mill definitely, love the subject and composition

melanie bryan

jimmy swaggart dorm's has significance for me. had friends that planned to attend before the dust up. like the way it seems endless


I have to go with Abandoned Cotton's Holsum for a lot of reasons. The green of the grass against the building...the blue of the sky with the clouds floating by. And of course as a child I remember riding by and smelling the bread baking. Beautiful photograph Colleen!

Annie clark

So many good ones - have to go with bullet riddled bull. Now I just need to find it for myself!


As a native of Baton Rouge, Alex Box Stadium has a deep sentimental value, as does HPLong Pool, and Leo's. But as a native of Baton Rouge, it'd be too depressing to look at those prints on a regular basis. So I'd vote for Doorway to the Netherworld. Ironic don't you think?

Charles Elliott

Bullet Riddled Bull Antique Sign sums up so much about Baton Rouge


This site is fantastic! I used to live in the area, and I was frequently amazed/curious/frightened by the abandoned buildings and things that seemed to show up in the most unexpected places. (Huey P Long pool on LSU campus) I took pictures of a lot of them, but only from the outside. I never had the nerve (or motivation) to actually get inside, although now I wish I had.

Oh, and although it's too late, my favorite picture is the doorway to the netherworld.

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Doorway to the Netherworld - no doubt! One of my all-time favorites of yours.

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Put in the oven and bake for 15 minutes--check them at this point; my regular-sized muffins were nearly done and needed only a couple of extra minutes, and I'd assume that mini muffins would take even less time. Nigella recommended baking these for 25 minutes, but I do not enjoy burnt muffins, do you?

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Nice work :) the best of all...hank's room.

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Awesome blog,really supllied with it.I have been looking for it since I was 9 years old.Thanks for sharing.

Luca Hoffmann

Great photos! Do you know if any of the old abandoned buildings are still there?

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